Home For Nature: Public Engagements on Proposed Protected Areas


Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are bound together by our shared love of nature. Protected areas serve a crucial purpose in conserving the biodiversity of our province and maintaining our cultural, spiritual and recreational connections to the land. 

The Wilderness and Ecological Reserves Advisory Council (WERAC) is a council of volunteers that advises the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador on the establishment and management of wilderness and ecological reserves. 

The Provincial Government has asked WERAC to engage the public on ten new protected areas and make recommendations on whether to proceed with interim protections on the sites. 

Between 2023 and 2026, WERAC is carrying out a series of engagement initiatives for ten proposed protected areas. These areas include nine sites described in the Home For Nature report: Ripple Pond; Halls Gullies; Cape Norman; Watts Point Extension; Facheaux Bay; Conne River North; Stony Lake; Rodney Pond; and Cape St. George; and a tenth publicly proposed site, Indian Arm Brook. For more details on these and other proposed sites, visit the Environment and Climate Change website

This page provides a summary of opportunities for the public to comment on proposed ecological reserves on the Island of Newfoundland. Links to current engagement pages and events for each proposed site are included below. More engagement opportunities and events will be added over time.

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Public Engagements

Your voice is important to this conversation. Please click on the proposed ecological reserve engagement button below to see more details about how you can participate. Pages will be added as each proposed ecological reserve begins the engagement process.

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Join Our Mailing List 

Keep up-to-date on upcoming engagements for proposed ecological reserves by signing up for the WERAC Proposed Ecological Reserves contact list:
Sign me up!

For particular proposed sites, you can sign-up on the contact list for that page, located above in the Public Engagements section.

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Privacy Statement

The collection of information is done under the authority of section 61(c) of the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015, for the purpose of collecting public feedback on proposed protected areas.

If you have any questions about how this information will be collected, used and disclosed, please contact Amanda Clarke at atippecc@gov.nl.ca.

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Contact Us

If you have any questions or additional comments, please contact the WERAC Secretariat at 709-636-4836 or werac@gov.nl.ca.

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